Sunday, August 19, 2007

What are the factors that contribute to the property of a country?

Nowadays, all countries are ruled by a specific organization called a "government".This government is made up of citizen leaders of a country. There are still a lot of conflicts and troubles among the countries. Hence the respective countries have to search for peace with each other. The prosperity of a country can make the citizens’ lives better and satisfy their wants. Making people happy is one of the most important duties of the government.

A good leader makes contributions for the country. This leader is responsible for what he thinks and what he does. As what he thinks and what he does could determine the country’s future. A country has an Army, political parties and economy.

However, these factors could have problems although the leader of the country is good, what the people think and possess is different. The people involved in an Army, politician parties and economies are human beings. They can make some mistakes which may be quite serious. If these heads of the country get in trouble, the citizens will protest all will not follow what the government says. For example, the first Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kwan Yew, was quite a great leader. Even though the merger with Malaysia fell through agreement, he could cope very well with it and founded Singapore as an independent country and one of the most influential countries in the whole world.

At this moment, I want to state that the citizens have to select the leader who is able to deal with any situation. Sometimes, the citizens may give an uncertain leader to govern the country. By doing so, they could lead to other civil unrests. For instance, In Republic of Korea, there are still many troubles and abuse of power and graft amongst the politicians. They work apparently for the moral duties, but the truth is, it is for their own benefits.

To make the contribution for the prosperity of a country, very close relationship between the government and the citizens is neccessary.

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